For our rank group, we worked on orange belt throws.
Kouchi gari - small inner reap. Mine felt better tonight. I suspect it was a kind of new way I'm thinking about the quick step. Hard to explain in words, but just to remind myself, I'm going for more of a step replacement, than two separate, but faster steps.
Ouchi gari - large inner reap. Still a little awkward with this one. Need more reps.
Deashi harai - advanced foot sweep. I felt much better with this one this time. I got a compliment from the black belt helping us on my timing.
Osoto maki komi - large outer wrapping throw. This was the first time I've done this throw. According to the YouTube videos I watched, it's good for putting some gravy on an osoto gari that isn't quite working. We worked it as it's own thing though, something to use when uke lowers his center of gravity too low to get a normal osoto.
Kibisu gaeshi - heel pick reversal. This is probably the throw I feel best about from this set.
For the class lesson, we did a throw James called "ken-ken uchi mata". It's a hopping version of uchi mata that apparently is a little easier on uke, and can be done without the full commitment of a normal uchi mata. The trick is to hop toward uke to get him to fall. Every rep was scary, groin-wise, but we all made it out okay. Here's a video to remind me how it goes:
Lastly, we did a few rounds of hop randori. I had to go against a much shorter, much....stockier guy. It was okay, but not my best night of standing randori.
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